Europe boosts European AI developers with the AI Factories call for proposals

Today, the Commission has launched a call for setting up AI Factories to boost European leadership in trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI). AI Factories will be created around the EU’s world-class network of European High-Performance Computing (HPC) supercomputers and will be available to a range of European users, such as startups, industry and researchers.

President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen said: “Europe is already leading the way with the EU AI Act, ensuring AI is safer and more trustworthy. Earlier this year, we fulfilled our promise by opening our high-performance computers to European AI start-ups. Now, Europe must also become a global leader in AI innovation. AI Factories will help secure our position at the forefront of this transformative technology.”

AI Factories will bring together the key ingredients for success in AI: computing power, data and talent. They will help AI developers train their large generative AI models by using the EuroHPC supercomputers and providing access to data, computing and storage services. The Factories will be networked across Europe, providing a unique European collaborative AI framework.

The AI Factories will be connected to Member States’ AI initiatives, creating a vibrant AI ecosystem. The Factories will also profit from Europe’s Testing and Experimentation Facilities and the Digital Innovation Hubs. The AI Factories will propel the development and validation of AI industrial and scientific applications in key European sectors such as healthcare, energy, automotive and transport, defence and aerospace, robotics and manufacturing, clean and agri tech.

The rolling call launched today by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking will be continuously open until 31 December 2025, with the first deadline on 4 November 2024 and subsequent cut-off dates every three months for as long as funds are available. This call will be supported by an EU contribution of close to €1 billion from the Digital Europe Programme and Horizon Europe and an equal amount of funding coming from the Member States.


AI Factories are a highlight of the Commission’s AI innovation package presented in January 2024, together with:

  • Financial support through Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe programme dedicated to generative AI. This will generate an additional overall public and private investment of around €4 billion until 2027;
  • Accompanying initiatives to strengthen the EU’s generative AI talent pool through education, training, skilling and reskilling activities;
  • Further encouragement of public and private investments in AI start-ups and scale-ups, including through venture capital or equity support (including via new initiatives of the  EIC accelerator Programme and InvestEU);
  • The acceleration of the development and deployment of Common European Data Spaces, made available to the AI community, for whom data is a key resource to train and improve their models. A new Staff Working Document on common European data spaces has also been published today, providing the latest state of play;
  • The ‘GenAI4EU‘ initiative, which aims to support the development of novel use cases and emerging applications in Europe’s 14 industrial ecosystems, as well as the public sector. Application areas include robotics, health, biotech, manufacturing, mobility, climate and virtual worlds;
  • Large AI Grand Challenge: winners announced in June 2024 are four innovative AI start-ups from Europe who will share the prize of €1 million and 8 million computational hours, advancing Europe’s leadership in AI development.

The Commission will also set up a European AI Research Council where Europe can pool resources and explore how it can exploit the untapped potential of data to support AI and other technologies.


Europe is already leading the way with the EU AI Act, ensuring AI is safer and more trustworthy. Earlier this year, we fulfilled a promise from my State of the Union address by opening our high-performance computers to European AI start-ups. Now, our next goal is clear: Europe must become a global leader in AI innovation. AI Factories will help secure our position at the forefront of this transformative technology, as outlined in my political guidelines for the next Commission.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

AI factories will bring together all main ingredients that Europe needs to become a global AI powerhouse: very high computing power, large amounts of data, and a diversified pool of talents. By tapping into the extraordinary potential of our homegrown supercomputers, the factories will allow European SMEs, scientists and startups to develop as AI innovators, and set the pace for EU’s leadership in this domain.

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age

With the launch of AI Factories, we are leveraging one of Europe’s biggest assets: our world-class supercomputers. AI Factories will serve as a one-stop shop for Europe’s AI start-ups, helping them develop the most advanced AI models and industrial applications. This will make Europe the best place in the world for trustworthy AI.

Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market

Source : European Commission