President Ursula von der Leyen presented the European Commission’s plan to boost Europe’s competitiveness and turn it into a place where future technologies, services, and clean products are invented, manufactures, and put on the market.
This Competitiveness Compass sets out the course the Commission will follow in the next five years. The Compass, first announced by President von der Leyen in November, transforms the recommendations laid out by Mario Draghi is his report on the future of European competitiveness, into a roadmap.
During a press conference, President von der Leyen explained that Europe has what it takes to lead the global economy of tomorrow: “I want to start by emphasising the strengths of the European Union. We have a very strong manufacturing and industrial base. We have a highly trained and well-educated workforce. We have a continental-size Single Market. We have the second-largest economy. We have a stable and predictable legal environment. And we have a longer life expectancy and lower inequalities than all our global competitors,” the President said. Continue reading “European Commission presents its compass to boost Europe’s competitiveness”