Integrating AI in the EU public services


The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has adopted an opinion that aims to safeguard citizens’ fundamental rights in the midst of the implementation of AI technology in public services.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more widespread in society and the digital transition has changed ways of working – including the organisation of work itself. These changes have a significant impact on society, the economy, production and work. Though the development of AI contains potential benefits, it nevertheless raises concerns about the effects it could have on employment levels and working conditions.

Public services are also impacted by this new technology and there are already several cases of public services in the EU using AI. Though AI offers (among others) the possibility to automate complex and repetitive processes and help make public services more accessible to citizens, generative and predictive AI algorithms may (if unchecked) lead to bias. Continue reading “Integrating AI in the EU public services”